2016-03-19: Intro
2016-03-20: Gender Identity
2016-04-07: Intersex People and Gender
2016-05-21: Sexual Orientation
2016-09-13: Self-declared identity
2016-09-30: Are transwomen really women though?
2016-11-16: “Gender Identity” and Internalized Sexism
2017-02-24: Pedophilia
2017-03-27: A simple science review on gender identity
2017-03-30: Pornography
2017-04-23: "Cisgender" normalizes male supremacist attitude
2017-05-21: Masculinity, anime, and gender dysphoria
2017-07-06: Is biological sex a social construct?
2017-07-23: Of COURSE sex is something "special"
2017-09-18: Inborn transgenderism is impossible